Friday, June 30, 2017

An Entry, Finally -OR- Arcturus's World: A Blog In Search of a Star (and a Purpose)

The Potomac River near the Theodore Roosevelt Bridge, Washington, D.C., 4:49PM June 25, 2017.


Yes, I'm actually posting an entry on this Arcturus's World blog ...

I haven't posted anything since March 2015 -- the Trump daily freak show and likely multi-year nightmare was still months in the future from even beginning, not to mention nearly two years before my stepfather Ray passed away -- and it has been bothering me lately that I haven't posted anything (anything!) on this blog.

I had intended to use this blog for my "Wall-P and Me (and Hysterical Gee Make Three)" series to include the BIG Y'EYEMAH chronicles, but that never happened, either. Instead, I post the occasional BIG Y'EYEMAH's Friday Night Creature that (sort of) substitutes for what I had intended on this blog.


1272 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington, D.C., 2:14PM June 25, 2017.


Anyway, I just wanted to post a new entry here and say that I'm still trying to find a purpose for this blog and have been ever since the very original purpose -- entries to M. WADE Tipamillyun (a.k.a, Tripabillyun and Tattoatrillyun) -- has long since vanished (along with nearly all the entries I posted back in the 2009 - 2012 time frame). And I'm fairly sure that was the last time anything like that will ever happen -- and I couldn't be happier. (So many dumbass mistakes made in my life.) 

Elm tree, 2000 block New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington, D.C., 1:42PM June 25, 2017.

This tree is across the street from my apartment building and I see it from my window. It's actually about 7 stories tall -- higher than my 5th floor apartment. This means it is taller than the tallest dinosaur that ever lived (Sauroposeidon)-- but not longer in length than the blue whale.


Anyway, before I find a purpose for this blog, and in the meantime, I continue actively to keep up my Regulus Star Notes blog.
