Sunday, December 30, 2012

On the Cusp of 2013 -OR- Good Morning

Updated 1:55PM 12/30/2012

The South Atlantic Ocean shortly after sunrise in La Paloma, Uruguay in a nice photo I found on the internets. La Paloma is located approx. 100 miles "up" the Uruguayan coastline from Montevideo.

I updated this entry today with this new lead image to be more in keeping with the spirit of the entry.

I don't feel well today. I think I have a cold.


Late afternoon view from my apartment on New Hampshire Ave. looking southwest toward 16th and U Streets NW, Washington, D.C., 3:59PM, December 29, 2012. We're still pretty much at the shortest daylight hours of the years.


Of late, I have become quite interested in a that stretch of the Atlantic side of the South American coastline from southern Brazil down to southern Argentina and Chile including the coast of Uruguay (see above map). This includes the curious Brazilian city of Florianópolis and the capital of Uruguay, Montevideo, plus all the small coastal places in between.


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