Monday, March 20, 2023

Spring 2023 and 2,089 Days Since My Last Acturus's World Entry –OR– A Life, a World, and a Worldview Radically Changed

The beach path in the South Pointe area of Miami Beach, Fla.,
4:38 p.m., July 17, 2022

The above image and the two that follow were taken in July 2022 or about 8 months ago. The file names contain place / time info.


The first day of Spring 2023....

Wow, I couldn't even remember how to log onto this account.

It has been 5 years and almost 9 months since my last entry. Actually, it has been 2,089 days ...

My life and the world have changed radically. This includes my politics, my worldview, the people I know, and even where I live.

Above: This is the SECOND-MOST southeastern coconut palm in Miami Beach with THE actual southeastern-most one also visible but low down and just "above" the three people on the path. However, at the present time, this tree -- OK, palms aren't techincally trees but MONOCOTS -- is very visible looking down the beach.


I no longer live in Washington, SHIT-BAG fucking, D.C., or its WOKE Mind Virus-infected Covid Karen suburbs.

As a result of the Branch Covidian bullshit nightmare that destroyed our civilization and turned most center-left Western countries into totalitarian biosecurity dystopian nightmares, the transgendered fucking lunacy now enforced by genocidal but low IQ, midwit fucks, and the Soros / elite-sponsored "Color Revolution" in the form of the woke "Summer of Love 2020" George Floyd quasi-civil war, I now live in Miami Beach, and my life is completely different.

Anyway, I've been wanting to update this blog just to note it -- except I couldn't figure out how to log on. But I have now, and I am posting this entry.

OK, well, I have, and I said what i wanted to. I don't know if/when I'll update this blog again. In the meantime, you can follow me on my Regulus blog.


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